Something we’ve learned after just a couple weeks into our month long Tampa trip is how wonderful the lunch breaks can be. Even with fairly short travel days, it is great to split the driving into two segments, with a lunch and nap break in the middle.
In the past when we’ve stopped driving for a break, we would confine ourselves to using the office/garage so we wouldn’t have to mess with pulling the slides out. The way our RV is built, you can’t really use the front 3/4ths of the RV without pulling the 3 slides out. This includes the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and main bathroom. But the office/garage is fully accessible with its own door, and includes a half bathroom, table, bed, and piano. So we’d sometimes pack a lunch and put it into the outside kitchen refrigerator along with a couple drinks, and then eat lunch in the office.

Well this past trip we pulled into a rest area, parking in the truck/bus/RV section as instructed. We noticed that these pull through spots are really wide, and in fact we could pull out the slides and still fit between the lines. So we did.

Fire up the generator, kick in the A/C, and bring out the slides, and we have our full home available for cooking or making lunch, and taking a nap afterwards in our own bed.