Vacation 2012

We finally took the RV out on the open road, driving from Austin to LA and back with stops at the Ice Caves near Roswell, the Grand Canyon, 3 days at Disneyland, and a few days at our timeshare at the Flamingo.

Travelling with me was my lovely wife Shelley, our oldest son Brian, and his two twins Ethan and Gillian. Together we hit the road to discover America!

Running a Jira server on Mac OSX

I’m currently using Jira at Mutual Mobile where I work, and I’m looking at using it with my hobby projects. It appears that this can be done very inexpensively if I host it myself on my Mac. I’d probably want to do that anyways, if not just from a learning perspective, but because of the cost ($70 one time cost for almost all the Atlassian apps):

  • Jira 10 users ($10 one time)
  • GreenHopper ($10)
  • Bonfire ($10)
  • Confluence ($10)
  • FishEye ($10)
  • Bamboo ($10)
  • Crucible ($10)
  • Jira Mobile Connect (free)
  • gliffy (free, $10 donation to requested)

I am choosing not to go with HipChat because I’m using Google+, nor Team Calendars because I’m using Google calendars for my simple needs.

Installing Jira on OSX

Installation on OS X is possible, although not officially supported by Atlassian.

  1. Identify $JAVA_HOME on your system. On my Mountain Lion system typing /usr/libexec/java_home results in /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
  2. Ensure the $JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. Type “echo $JAVA_HOME”. It should display the path. If not, set it to do so. A good option  for Mountain Lion is to add it to the /etc/launchd.conf  by adding “setenv JAVA_HOME <path>”. If you’re not familiar with editing in the terminal, try “sudo nano /etc/launchd.conf”. Reboot, and verify that “$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version” works.
  3. Purchase and download a copy of Standalone Jira, and extract the files. Put the files in a location of your choice. I chose my user folder /Users/ronlisle.
  4. Set JIRA_HOME
    In terminal, from the Jira home directory, run ./bin/
    When prompted, enter a JIRA_HOME directory path.
    I chose to create a jiraHome directory in my Google Drive directory.
  5. Create a dedicated user to run Jira
    Open system preferences, select Users & Groups, click on + to create a “Jira” standard user.
  6. Start Jira
    In terminal from the Jira installation directory, ./bin/
  7. Run the setup wizard
    Open a browser to “http://localhost:8080”

By default, the installation will use the built-in HSQL database. This is suitable for evaluation only. If you have a MySQL database available, then I recommend that you switch to it:

  1. Create an MySQL database user (eg. jiradbuser)
  2. Create an MySQL database (eg. jiradb)
  3. If needed, copy the MySQL JDBC driver.
    It wasn’t needed during my installation.
  4. Configure Jira to use the MySQL db (./bin/

I tried using MySQL running on my host server, but switched to using MySQL running on my Mac because it is faster and it enables me to work completely offline. Whichever your choose, be sure to keep backups.

Installing Confluence on OSX

  1. Create a “confluence” directory in your User home directory.
  2. Download and extract the Confluence zip file to that confluence directory.
    At the time I did this, the current version is 4.3.2 so I named this ~/confluence/confluence-4.3.2
  3. Edit the ~/confluence/confluence-4.3.2/bin/ to add the line (at the top):
    export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
  4. Create a “data” directory in the confluence directory (~/confluence/data).
  5. Edit the …/confluence/confluence-4.3.2/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/ file and replace the last line to indicate your install directory as follows:
  6. Change the port assignment for confluence so that it doesn’t conflict with Jira.
    Edit the conf/server.xml file to set Server port=8015 and Connector port=8090
  7. Create a local MySQL database and user:
    Create database confluence;
    grant all privileges on confluence.* to ‘confluenceuser’@’localhost’ identified by ‘confluencepass’;
  8. Start confluence by running bin/
  9. Open confluence by browsing to http://localhost:8090

Accessing private methods and properties in ObjC unit tests

I’ve seen quite a few questions posted on various programming websites asking about how to access a class’s private methods from a unit test file. In Objective-C there are several ways to do this:

  1. Use performSelector in the unit test to access private methods
  2. Use Key-Value Coding to access properties and iVars.
  3. Define the methods and properties in a class extension.

I really like the 3rd approach the best. In case you aren’t familiar with class extensions in Objective-C, these are also known as anonymous categories.  The following example shows a simple class definition and implementation that includes a class extension:

// ExampleClass.h
// Public header file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface ExampleClass : NSObject {
// Publicly exposed methods
- (void)exampleMethod;
// Publicly exposed properties
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * exampleProperty;
// ExampleClass.m 
// ExampleClass implementation 
#import "ExampleClass.h"   
@implementation ExampleClass 
// Properties 
@synthesize exampleProperty = exampleProperty_; 
// Methods 
- (int)exampleMethod {  
    // Do whatever this method needs to do... 
    return 3; 

In this example, I’ve defined a class with an exampleMethod and exampleProperty. Both of these are declared publicly and so can be accessed easily from a unit test file as shown below:

// ExampleClass.m
// ExampleClass unit tests
#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
#import "ExampleClass.h"

@interface ExampleClassTests : SenTestCase {
@property (nonatomic, retain) ExampleClass * testClass;

@implementation ExampleClassTests
@synthesize testClass = testClass_;
-(void)testExampleMethodReturnValue {
    ExampleClass * ourClass = [[ExampleClass alloc]init];
    int returnValue = [ourClass exampleMethod];
    STAssertTrue( returnValue == 3, 
        @"Return value should have been 3 but was %d",returnValue);

Now, what if you wanted to keep exampleMethod private, and not expose it in the public ExampleClass.h header file? As mentioned above, the unit test could use performSelector to execute the method, but this approach is limited to passing a single argument and precludes letting the compiler check your parameters, etc.

A better way is to declare exampleMethod in a class extension, and put that class extension in a separate header file. This file can then be imported into both the ExampleClass implementation file as well as any unit test files that need to access exampleMethod. This class extension header file is shown below.

// ExampleClassExtension.h
// ExampleClass Class Extension
// Declare any private methods and properties in this file.
// #import this file into the implementation file and unit test files.
@interface ExampleClass ()
- (int)exampleMethod;

It’s just that simple. Using a class extension is considered a best practice for declaring your private methods and properties. Doing this makes it clear that these methods and properties are not intended for public use, otherwise they would be listed in the main header. But putting them in a class extension in a separate header file allows your unit tests to use them also. These methods and properties can be easily refactored, and will work correctly with autocompletion.

iOS Unit Testing

I’ve been knee-deep in iOS unit testing for the past few months. Xcode 4 has been a real blessing as well as a curse. Apple did a great job of integrating unit testing into Xcode 4, but so far has failed to provide much in the way of documentation. To make matters worse, things have changed drastically from Xcode 3. In the upcoming days and weeks I will be sharing what I’ve learned about unit testing in the new Xcode 4 environment.

Creating Icons for iPhone apps

As the number of devices support by iOS grows, the list of icons needed when submitting an iPhone app grows. Here’s a list of the icons and the default filenames that you’ll need:

Size Name Description
512×512 Whatever Used on app store
57×57 Icon.png Default icon for pre-iPhone4 devices (non-retina displays)
114×114 Icon@2x.png Icon for retina display devices
29×29 Icon-Small.png Small icon for use on non-retina displays
58×58 Icon-Small@2x.png Small icon for retina displays
72×72 Icon-72.png iPad icon
50×50 Icon-Small-50.png Icon displayed in search window

Note that the default filenames can be overridden with the info.plist icon-files entry.

The official list is on the Apple developer site: Technical Q&A QA1686.

An easy way to create all of these icons is to start with a 512×512 image, and then export it in each of the smaller sizes. I’m a Photoshop user, so I use ‘Save for Web & Devices’ in the File menu, but just about any image editor should have the ability to do this.

Xcode 4 Released

Woohoo! This week Xcode 4 was officially released. It took me several days to get it to downloaded since it is over 4 gigs, but once I did I really like what I see. It installed without problems, and I was able to open and update the Celestino app without problems.

Android Development

As part of my work at FanTrail, I am responsible for testing and creating the test automation for web services, iPhone applications, and soon Android applications.

So to prepare for Android testing, I’ve downloaded and begun playing with the Android SDK. Wow, guess what? It is also Eclipse based. So I simply added the Android Eclipse plug-in to my existing Zend Studio/Eclipse installation, and I was up and building test code in almost no time (Well, actually the download itself took the most time).

Now I’m having to brush off my Java skills, and I’m ready to dive in. I had initially resisted getting involved with Android for fear that it would interfere with my iPhone skills, but I’m rethinking that now. So maybe there are Celestino and/or Leander KOA Android apps in my future…

FLEXing my muscles

I’ve finished revamping the Celestino Couture website. This will be the second revision. I had originally redone their website using Flash Pro. This was a great learning exercise, but I wanted something that fit my programmer experience better.

So when Rusty contacted me about updating the website with their new press articles and collection, I decided to take things to the next level and convert the Flash site to Flex.

This turned out to be much easier than I thought. Adobe’s Flex Builder is built on top of Eclipse. I’m a long time Eclipse user, and use Zend Studio (also built on top of Eclipse) for most of my web development. Since I am already familiar with both ActionScript and Eclipse, it was just a matter of learning Flex and MXML.

I’m really delighted with the results. Appearance-wise not much has changed, but under the covers this is a very maintainable website. All code has been tracked from the beginning with Subversion, and the code is easily organized into components.

Now I’m integrating FlexMonkey testing which will bring this website up to my normal, professional standards.

Rusty has been very patient with me in doing all of this, but I expect that the next updates will happen in the order of hours instead of weeks.

The site should be online this week, after I get the go-ahead from Rusty and Sergio. Until then the release candidate website can be viewed on my test site. Once it is online at the official Celestino website I will remove it from the test site.

Using JavascriptMVC in WordPress

I’m working on a project which is going to involve some pretty extensive JavaScript coding. From experience, I know that any moderately sized or larger coding project needs to be well planned out and organized. But JavaScript typically isn’t.

So I did a lot of researching, and I’ve found a framework that appears to be fairly industrial strength. By this I mean that it is fairly well documented, provides examples, and has internal support for testing and automatic documentation generation.

I’m talking about JavascriptMVC. It is a little intimidating at first, mainly because it does provide all the things listed above. But having done some quick prototyping in my environment (PHP, Zend, WordPress), it appears to fit nicely and provide just the MVC+Test+Doc environment that I need.

I’m going to be merging JMVC into my existing WordPress installation. It appears that I’ll need to deal with the jQuery.noconflict issue which I plan on doing by redefining “var $ = jQuery;”. I’ll then be embedding the JMVC steal.js code using my custom child template (in functions.php).

This is really exciting. I’ll post more as I go. If anyone else has tried this before, please leave me a comment.