This has been a terrific month here in Windsor, Ontario. We’ve been able to spend a lot of time with our Canadian family and enjoy the cooler weather and spending time outdoors.
We’re even contemplating becoming summer Canadians. Site fees here in Canada appear are less than half what they are in Austin, TX. So we’re thinking of trying to get a seasonal site here at Wildwood Golf and RV Resort as well as keeping our great site at Oak Forest in Austin, TX. Canadian Visa regulations allow Americans to stay up to six months without a visa. We still need to get permission from my work, and we need to work out all of Shelley’s health issues, but we’re hopeful.

We had a combined birthday and going away party at the Hetzel’s home. We managed to visit with all of the Fausts and Hetzels, including all their children, plus Steve’s parents and our dear Mimi.