Sunday afternoon we packed up the RV and got things ready to head down the road again. This included putting away anything that was left out, closing up the ramp and stowing the outdoor furniture, and securing things like my monitor and piano. We also showered and ran the dish washer in the afternoon so that I could pack up the water and sewer hoses the night before instead of having to do that in the morning.

In the morning, we hooked up the truck, unplugged the electrical cable, and were on our way by 7:00 am.
An Interesting Thing Happened at the Border
Crossing the bridge and getting through border station took us about over an hour. For several block before the bridge, there was some construction, and the 3 lanes closed down to two. So that took longer than usual.
Then when we got to the long lines at the check station, a guy in a neon yellow and orange vest directed us to go down a lane that had a big “closed” sign over it. We asked him “are you sure” and he assured us “Yes, that is the lane for RVs”. We’ll we pulled up to the station with an orange cone and a solid barrier blocking it, and waiting awhile longer until the an officer approached us and asked us what we were doing there. There was clearly a “Can’t you Texans read?” look on his face. So I explained to him that we’d been directed to that lane. He then explained that the lane was marked closed because it was broken, and that we’d need to backup a hundred yards or so then drive across all the other lines of cars in order to get into the route that the trucks went.
So picture looking into your side mirrors and seeing hundreds of cars waiting in a half dozen lines, with a guy in an orange vest walking you and your 44′ trailer backwards for the length of a football field back through all that. Ah, that’s the stuff that memories are made of.
Back in the USA
We had lots of rain driving through Michigan. At some points it rained so hard that traffic slowed on the freeways to under 40 mph (yes, we’re back on miles instead of kilometers now).
TODO: I’ll post some pictures later.
The campground we stayed at was nice. We needed help backing into a space. Keith helped us with that. Then we tried to hook up our electric cable, and it wouldn’t reach. So Keith came back and helped us move the trailer back as far as it would go, and voila! the cable reached.
TODO: I’ll post a couple campground pictures also.